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Apply today to jumpstart your future by earning college credits while completing high school in a supportive and cost-effective environment.
Premont Collegiate High School
Serving students in grades 6th through 12th.
Campus Principal – Claudette Garcia
Have questions? We’re here to help. Contact us to speak directly to one of our enrollment specialists who will answer any lingering questions.
Our Vision
Fostering a community of excellence, high standards, and limitless student opportunities.
Students can earn college credits without incurring the typical costs associated with higher education, such as tuition, fees, and textbooks.
Our curriculum is designed to be relevant to students' future career goals, incorporating real-world applications.
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January 28, 2025
Thank you to our 8th grade parents who attended last night's Rural Schools Innovation Zone Informational Meeting. The Rural Schools Innovation Zone and Premont Early College High School are great oppo. . .
January 20, 2025
Regular School Day Monday
Our Programs
We offer a wide variety of programs designed to help students earn college credits and prepare for their future careers.
Premont Collegiate High School Early College Program is an open enrollment program that allows students to combine high school courses and college-level courses while participating in rigorous and accelerated instruction.
Focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, this pathway includes advanced coursework and hands-on projects to prepare students for STEM-related fields.
Next Generation Medical Academy (NGMA) prepares students for college and careers with a focus in health science such as a certified nurse assistant, patient care technician, or a licensed vocational or registered nurse.
STEM Discovery Zone prepares students for college and careers with a focus in computer information technology, engineering, and oil and gas.
The Grow Your Own Academy provides students an opportunity to further learn about the education profession, including field experiences, shadowing, and dual credit opportunities.
The Ignite Technical Institute prepares students for college and careers with a focus in welding, construction, and electrical.
View the full calendar to see all the exciting events we have happening in the next few weeks and months!